DT is developing the skills to solve practical problems creatively.
Design and Technology offers a planned sequence of lessons to help teachers ensure they have progressively covered the knowledge, understanding and skills required by the National curriculum. At Dell Primary School our intention - through the teaching of DT is to provide children with a real-life context for learning. As an inspiring and practical subject, we intend to prepare children to embrace an ever-changing technological world and to encouraging them to become creative and resourceful problem solvers. Working both independently or as members of a team to develop and explore a range of opportunities. We inspire our children to be enthused by real world opportunities and relevant problems, identifying needs and developing a range of ideas and solutions in a variety of contexts. We encourage critical thinking, collaboration, perseverance, resilience and creativity when solving problems. We aim to prepare our children to solve the problems of tomorrow, which may not even exist today!
Design and Technology curriculum is designed by identifying the key skills, knowledge and understanding required by the National Curriculum, which is then planned to ensure that the skills are taught sequentially across the key stages and that new skills build on and develop the skills taught in previous year groups. At Dell Primary School, Design and Technology is planned in one day learning blocks within each termly topic, so that skills can be learnt and developed to a deeper level over a sustained period of study. Each topic is driven by an overall key question- which requires the children to reflect on their exploration of products and designs, so that they can apply their learning to their own designs and thus generate their own answers. Each stage of the process is initiated by a question, which encourages children to reflect on what they have learned and identify the next steps they need to take. The children are given opportunities to evaluate their own designs and products based on a clear set of criteria. Each of the topics are designed to be relevant, motivating and engaging for the children and inclusive of all groups of children and individuals across the school. Opportunities for evaluation throughout the topic enables children to look deeper into their learning and reflect on what they have designed and made and whether it has successfully met their own design criteria. Assessment is carried out through a range of formative assessments which includes: CFU (check for Understanding), pupil conferences, book scrutinises and pupil practical tasks. Assessment then informs planning, identifying any gaps in knowledge or skills, ensuring that our children have every opportunity to develop as inquisitive designers and technologists.
By the time children reach Year 6, they would have had experience of food tech, textiles, design and construction; they should be confidently performing everyday tasks and applying their knowledge, understanding and an increased level of skills as they progress through the school. They will be on the way to becoming risk takers and innovators and will have used a range of tools, resources and materials, including the use of IT, to create effectively constructed and aesthetically pleasing results. This, along with a strong focus on the importance of evaluation, allows children to adapt and improve their work, providing them with not only a sense of achievement but a strong foundation for the next step of their learning and a key skill for life.
By the time, pupils leave our school they will:
- Have experienced food technology, textiles, design and construction.
- They will develop the skills they need to be confident, creative designers.
- They will have developed the skill needed to make and construct effectively.
- They are able to transfer and adapt their skills to new challenges.
- They will be able to think and plan creatively to solve practical problems.
- They will be creative, critical thinkers, who are confident problem solvers, prepared to meet the design challenges of tomorrow.
How do we know what is happening in DT?
- Lesson observations, book monitoring and learning walks
- Gathering pupil voice
- Check for Understanding used as a formative assessment tool that informs planning and intervention
- Professional dialogue
- End of unit assessment opportunities