History helps us make sense of the present and the past
At Dell, our history curriculum is designed to suit local needs and appreciates history on a local, national and international level. The bespoke nature of our curriculum is unique in that it is tailored to the needs of our pupils, while abiding to the outcomes of the national curriculum for history. We have constructed and adapted a curriculum that is ambitious and that is designed to give all leaners, regardless of their background or starting point, the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in the future and become citizens of the world.
There is a strong need for pupils to understand the forces that have formed their local communities, set within the context of international and national development. As there has been little recent migration into the area, pupils need to have their awareness and acceptance of different cultures heightened with an understanding that their communities played a role in Britain’s impact in the world, which in turn had a knock-on effect on bringing migrants to Britain in the past. Pupils also need to understand that Lowestoft has a rich fishing history that has been shaped by factors that changed over time. Therefore, it makes sense for pupils to experience an interweaving of local, national and international history (based on the national curriculum requirements) that makes references to the rich archaeological treasures and sites available for them nationally and locally.
We aim for pupils to develop a passion for history by being historians themselves. This begins in the Early years Foundation Stage where pupils are encourage to interact in play where they can explore historical themes and contexts. As pupils progress through the school, they will gain chronologically secure knowledge and an understanding of British, local and world history through progressive teaching of knowledge and skills. Our curriculum notes connections, contrasts and trends over time and progressively maps out key historical terms. Pupils will regularly address and sometimes devise historically valid questions about change, cause, similarity and difference and significance. They will learn to construct informed responses that involve selection and organisation of relevant historical sources.
We aim to inspire our pupils to become future historians!
Our curriculum has been thought of carefully; it has appropriate coverage; it is sequential and structured, and is implemented ensuring that it adapts to the needs of all pupils. Learning is sequenced and the knowledge and skills are built upon in every year group and link to ensure knowledge is accumulated over time. In addition, we take advantage of cross curricular links to ensure depth of particular areas of study.
In the Early Years Foundation Stage, pupils are encouraged to engage in play related to historical themes and concepts. Pupils are exposed to age-appropriate vocabulary and concepts that spark their interest in history as a subject. Our Nursery and Reception classes take part in school wide events such as ‘Black History Month’ where they fully integrate with the whole school to work on join history projects.
In Key Stages one and two, all lessons start with a ‘Do Now’ that gives the children sufficient opportunities- that are planned- to revisit previously learned knowledge, concepts and skills. The start of every lesson builds on previous knowledge from the previous lesson or from the content that was taught in the previous year. Lessons are structured in a way where pupils have opportunities to impart information, study and question historical sources, work within groups to study an area of history in depth and apply key historical skills. Pupils have the chance to work historically and take on the role of a historian during their learning.
All lessons will involve key historic vocabulary that the pupils need to know. Pupils are encouraged to make use of such terminology in a range of written and verbal tasks. Conversations and discussions around key ideas are built into lessons to allow pupils to discuss, challenge and apply their knowledge and skills. Learning is pitched to ensure access for all pupils whilst promoting opportunities to deepen understanding. This means that each lesson may look differently depending on the area of learning or the skill or process that is being mastered.
Modelling is key to ensuring children have a full and competent understanding in every lesson to ensure the effective teaching of concepts. Teachers make use of ‘My Turn,’ ‘Our Turn,’ and ‘Your Turn,’ during every lesson. These scaffolds promote progression within a lesson and ensure that pupils are prepared to apply their learning in the task at hand.
Through our history curriculum children will:
- be engaged and challenged
- be able to succeed in all history lessons because learning will be appropriately scaffolded
- make good and better progress from their starting points
- know key events in history
- know how to research using primary and secondary sources
- know how to timeline events in history
- talk enthusiastically about their history lessons and speak about how they are passionate about history through discussion and feedback
Assessment and monitoring in history:
• Lesson observations, book monitoring and learning walks
• Gathering pupil voice (Junior Leaders)
• Moderating pupils work to ensure accurate assessments are made
• Tracking pupils’ progress
• Check for Understanding used as a formative assessment tool that informs planning and intervention
Key Websites:
- https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/national-curriculum-in-england-history-programmes-of-study
- https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zkqmhyc
- https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zcw76sg
- https://www.history.org.uk/primary