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Texts and Writing Outcomes

Below are the topics, key texts and writing outcomes:

Year 1 

Autumn 1 

Autumn 2 

Spring 1 

Spring 2 

Summer 1 

Summer 2 


Great Fire of London 




The Fishing Industry 


Writing Outcomes 



Sequencing events of Great Fire of London 


Captions for pictures of landmarks 


Shared writing – directions from one landmark to another 

Recount of trip to Time and Tide 


Character description – pirates 


Labelling treasure map 


Wanted poster 



Persuasive poster 


Safety posters 


Diary – Florence Nightingale 

Castle labelling 


Recount  - trip to Norwich Castle 


Instructions – how to be a knight 


How to defend a castle 

Labelling a seaside 


Would you want to be a fisherman? 


Recount of trip to Maritime Museum 



Comparing Victorian schooling/seaside holidays – then and now 


A day in the life...(theme day) 



Year 2 

Autumn 1 

Autumn 2 

Spring 1 

Spring 2 

Summer 1 

Summer 2 


Great Fire of London 




The Fishing Industry 


Key Texts 

Katie in London by James Mayhew 


The Bakers Boy and the Great Fire of London 


Non-fiction texts – Great Fire of London by Emma Adams 

The Pirate Cruncher by Johnny Duddle 


The Pirates Next Door by Johnny Duddle 


George’s Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl 



Non-fiction – medicine 

Rapunzel – Traditional Tale 


Marine life poetry week (competition) 


Norman the Norman from Normandy. 


Zog by Julia Donaldson 


Non-fiction – Castles 

Non-fiction – fishing industry (Lowestoft and Great Yarmouth)  


The Light House Keepers Lunch  



You wouldn’t want to be a Victorian School Child 

Class Reader 

James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl 

The Christmasaurus by Tom Fletcher 

Picture books from reading spine. 

Flat Stanley by Jeff Brown 

The Hodgeheg by Dick-King Smith 

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl 

The Worst Witch by Jill Murphy 

Writing Outcomes 

Character description – 1 week (Katie London) 


Narrative – retelling – 1 week (Katie London) 


Fact File – 1 week (Great Fire) 


Diary – 1 week (Great Fire) 


Poetry – 1 week (Great Fire Acrostics) National Poetry Day 


Narrative – 2 weeks (puppet show and own version of story) 

Letter - 1 week (Pirate Cruncher to warn sailors about the monster) 


Description – character – (Jim Lad) 1 week 


Instructions (to find treasure) - 1 week 


Pirate poetry (own version of rhyming poem) – 1 week 


Retelling - 1 week 



Description of Grandma – 1 week 


Instructions – medicine making - 1 week 


Narrative - new version of a paragraph - 1 week 


Persuasive text – buy my medicine - 1 week 


Non-fiction report - 1 week 

Rapunzel – retelling – 1 week 


Marine poetry – 1 week 


Description – 1 week 


Non-chronological text – Normans/castles - 1 week 


Zog – Narrative -2 weeks 

Then and now – fishing industry - 1 week 


Diary – lighthouse keeper - 1 week 


Tiddler – narrative-alternative ending - 2 weeks 


Letter - 1week 


Non-chronological report - 1 week 


Recount – A day in the life...- 1 week 


Poetry – seaside - 1 week 


Instructions - 1 week 


Year 3 

Autumn 1 

Autumn 2 

Spring 1 

Spring 2 

Summer 1 

Summer 2 



Roman Britain 



Ancient Greece 



Key Texts 


Women who Changed the World  


Wonders of the World 


Little Wolf’s Book of Badness 


Roman Britain (I was there) Boudica’s Army. 


Roman Diary: The Journal of Iliona 


Non-fiction – Celts 


Terrible Tudors – Horrible Histories 


The Thief, The Fool and The Big Fat King 


The Explorer – Katherine Rundel 


I Wonder Why… 




Manfish – Jacque Cousteau 


Greek myths – 


Theseus and the Minotaur; Daedalus and Icarus; Trojan Horse 

What they don’t tell you about Anglo-Saxons 



The King Who Threw Away His Throne 

Class Reader 

The Twits by Roald Dahl 

Roman Diary- The Journal of Iliona.   

Bear Grylls adventure  

The Aboniables 



Writing Outcomes 

Fact files - 1 week 


Setting description – wonders of the world - 1 week 


Letter from the wolf – 1 week 


Retelling – The Wolf’s perspective - 2 weeks 


Character description – 1 week 


Diary – 1 week 

Character Description – 1 week 


Letter from Kassy to her grandmother – 1 week  


Diary entry -  1 week 


Fact Files – Celts and Romans – 1 week 


Narrative – 2 weeks 

Non-chronological report – Tudors - 1 week 


Performance poetry – Henry VIII and his wives - 1 week 


Newspaper report- Crime/punishment- 1 week 


Narrative - 2 weeks 



Narrative – adventure story - 2 weeks 


Non-chronological report - 1 week 



Setting description - 1 week 


Instructions – how to kill a minotaur -  1 week 


Greek myth - 2 weeks 


Character description – mythical creature - 1 week 

Narrative – a tale of invasion- 2 weeks 


Persuasion – Don't go back in time to live like an Anglo-Saxon - 1 week 


Explanation – comparison – then/now - 1 week 




Year 4 

Autumn 1 

Autumn 2 

Spring 1 

Spring 2 

Summer 1 

Summer 2 




Stone Age – Iron Age 

Stone Age – Iron Age 

Ancient Egypt 


Key Texts 

The Magic Thief (class reader) 




Witches in Scotland (non-fiction) 


Potion Commotion 






Odd and the Frost Giants 




Your Growling Guts and Dynamic Digestion 


Stone Age Boy 







Stone Age Tablet 


The History Detective Investigates: Stone Age to Iron Age 

The Time Travelling Cat 


So you think you’ve got it bad – a kids life in Ancient Egypt 





Escape from Pompeii 


Pirates of Pompeii/Secrets of Vesuvius – Caroline Lawrence  



Class Reader 

The Magic Thief 
Christmasaurus/ The Christmas Pig 

How To Train Your Dragon 

The 1000 Year Old Boy 

The Wild Way Home 

Secrets of a Sun King 

The Secrets of Vesuvius 

Writing Outcomes 

Instructions for own potion -1 week 


Poem – describing the witch - 1 week 


Setting description based on an imaginary setting – 1 week 


Information text about Scotland  

- non chronological report - 1 week 



Explanation text -  1 week 


Setting description - 1 week  


Narrative - 2 weeks 


Diary  - recounting a day in the life of a Viking Warrior - 1 week 


Instructions - 1 week 




Information text - 1 week 


Letter - 1 week 


Balanced argument – 1 week  


Character description - 1 week 


Diary - 1 week  

Newspaper report - 1 week 


Narrative - 2 weeks 


Explanation text - 1 week 


Non chronological report – Bristish Isles - 1 week 








Setting and character description- 1 week 


Narrative – mystery - 2 weeks 


Letter - 1 week 


Explanation text - 1 week 


Instructions -  1 week 

Pompeii diary – 1 week 


Newspaper - 1 week 


Letter- persuasion - 1 week 


Information text - 1 week 






Year 5 

Autumn 1 

Autumn 2 

Spring 1 

Spring 2 

Summer 1 

Summer 2 



Human Chronology 




Ancient China 

Key Texts 

The Tempest 

Cool – Michael Morpurgo 





Mayan myth 


History for Kids: Incan Empire 



Non-Fiction texts based around inventors 

The Firework Maker's Daughter 

Class Reader 

The Iron Man (5P) 

A Year to Remember (5J) 


When Jessie came across the Sea (5J) and Coming to England (5J) 

Aunt Severe and the Dragons (5P) 

Fantastic Mr Fox Roald Dahl (5P) 


Anglo- Saxon boy (5J) 

Cosmic (5P) 



Writing Outcomes 

Character Description - 1 week 


Diary – 1 week 


Review - 1 week 


Playscript – 2 weeks 



Grammar Focus Week 1 

Newspaper Article – 2/3  weeks 


Letter - 1 week 


Narrative - 2 weeks 


Poem (Christmas Themed) - 1 week 

Week 1 (2 days)  

Dictionary skills and grammar. 

Setting Description and Character Description – 2 weeks 


Explanation Text - 1 week 

Cohesive devices 


Balanced Argument - 1 week 


Non-Chronological Report - 1 week 



Myth - 2 weeks 


Grammar – nouns. 


Poetry -  week  

Competition Marine Theme. 


Persuasion – 1 week 


Narrative 2 weeks 

Autobiography - 1 week 


Biography - 1 week 


Comparison (2 inventors) - 1 week 


Instructions - 1 week 


Persuasive Advert – 1 week 

Setting Description - 1 week 


Narrative - 2 weeks 


Newspaper – 1 week 


Playscript - 2 weeks 


Year 6 

Autumn 1 

Autumn 2 

Spring 1 

Spring 2 

Summer 1 

Summer 2 


Fallen Fields 

Frozen Kingdom 





Key Texts 

War Horse 


Shackleton’s Journey 



A Monster Calls 



Good Night Mr Tom 


Good Night Mr Tom

Who Let the Gods out





Class Reader 


The Ice Garden 

The Ice Garden 

My Secret War Diary – Flossie Albright 

Can you see me? 


Writing Outcomes 

Cold write using WW1 image 




Character/setting description (short) 


Explanation – what were the causes of WW1 


Narrative - adventure 


Farewell letter 


Christmas poem 

Setting description 


Play script 




Dialogue - extract 

Poetry week  


Non-chron -  evacuation procedures 




Dialogue extract  








Narrative – 2 weeks (Goodnight Mr Tom continued) 


Persuasive leaflet 



Balanced argument 









