Overall - At Dell Primary we have a broad and balanced curriculum for physical education that is sequential, coherent and that builds upon the previous knowledge and skills. Whenever and wherever possible, PE, is predominately taught through the physical domain. Our PE curriculum makes a huge contribution to our pupils physical and mental wellbeing. Sport and physical activity are an important part of school life to ensure that all of our children have access to a high-quality offer that supports their physical health and emotional wellbeing. We understand that physical activity, school sport and physical education are similar in that they all include physical movement, but there are important differences between them and ensure that our children have experiences, opportunities and an understanding within all three concepts.
Curriculum - Our curriculum has been thought of carefully; it has appropriate coverage; it is sequential and structured, and is implemented and adapts to the needs of our pupils. Breadth and balanced within the subject offering a range of activities area such as games, gymnastics, swimming, dance and athletics. We encourage children to explore and experiment in every lesson. We provide opportunities for independent learning through a variety of different forms. The manner in which children learn PE is based around a collaborative approach via discussions and conversations to enable them to understand how their actions can impact themselves and others. Learning in PE encourages children to work together, to gather evidence, to discuss issues, to weigh up possibilities, to listen to others, and to make conclusions that are based in evidence. To enable us to do this we use a scheme that covers the national curriculum aims. Children are challenged with the content within their key stage. Learning is sequenced and the knowledge and skills are built upon in every year group. The scheme, which we utilise, and our adaptations for our pupils includes clear learning objectives both in terms of knowledge and physical activity; well-sequenced activities designed to engage children and enable them to learn; clear information on the key aspects of the physical education; a clear indication of how the learning in the unit relates to the learning across the primary PE curriculum and ensure there are a number of opportunities for pupils to take part in school sports. We reiterate that the scheme used is a guide or foundation and that teachers should take ownership of it and apply it to the children in their classes. Where PE units are taught in unison with other subjects. However, we do not make tenuous links and therefore teach a number of units discretely. The three elements of PE are covered in the following ways:
1 - We ensure physical activity is catered for by providing children topics like sports and dance. It also includes indoor and outdoor play, work-related activity, outdoor and adventurous activities and active travel.
2 - Furthermore, we ensure that physical education includes planned progressive learning that take place in the school curriculum. This involves ‘learning to move’ (i.e. becoming more physically competent) and ‘moving to learn (e.g. learning through movement, a range of skills and understandings beyond physical activity, such as co-operating with others).
3 - We ensure there are a number of opportunities for pupils to take part in school sports. Our school sport offer means that our pupils develop and broaden their learning and understanding through physical education curriculum and wider curriculum offer. It also forms a vital link with community sport and activity.
Health – We aim to provide children with all the information needed in order to live a healthy life. We achieve this with two methods, at the start of PE lessons with the use of theory we provide information that aims to allow these children to live a healthier life style such as diet, exercise or healthier choices. The second way we achieve this is with cross curricular teaching especially with PSHE, within the subject we ensure healthy choices are taught.
We develop and adapt are curriculum to the needs of our leaners via a scaffolded approach to cater for all needs. We provide children with additional challenges to ensure depth of the content in which is being covered. We ensure all children are not prevented from accessing the PE curriculum because of need or circumstance and in this occasion we provide resources and assistance to make sure every child achieves.
We prepare students for the next steps in KS3 by teaching the sequence of lessons which follow on and progress from year to year which follow the national curriculum. This allows our children to make a smooth transition into KS3 PE curriculum. In the same way early year students are exposed to elements of the key stage 1 curriculum so they are in good stead ready for a smooth transition into full key stage 1 curriculum. A systemic approach to trips, visits and extracurricular activity any ad hoc offer is vital. We aim to expose the children to an array of different roles models which are not only just sports personalities but others which provide them aspiration to achieve and continue with the sports for their lifetimes.
Our wider sports offer includes a broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils which they may not otherwise exposed to in the local area. Also building links without side clubs such as Norwich city football club where we are able to provide them with a number of students to continue their love of the sport. We have Increased participation in competitive sport via inter house competitions as well as competitions again other schools.
Children will engage and understand the world around them and seek to learn more through their existing knowledge and enjoyment of PE. We want them to aspire to be the next Tom Daley, Emma Raducanu or Anthony Ogogo or other sporting roles within the sport. We ensure children know about the opportunities available to them in the future by exposing them to a variety of PE (in lessons and in person); trips/visits and through sports based events (locally and international) actively encourage pupils’ interest in the subjects.
We ensure that the National Curriculum outcomes are embedded through the teaching of PE, creating a rigorous and robust curriculum. This is
taught through a progressive and systematic approach that builds on both acquisition of knowledge and development of physical ability. Through this planned, sequenced and scaffolded approach, our PE curriculum ensures varied learning through its targeted approaches outside of the classrooms va special events, sporting opportunities, competitions and the general school day.
Retention – in a similar fashion to other subjects in school, 1) ‘Do Nows’ develop the children’s knowledge of the previous lesson, the last unit and the previous year’s work. 2) Design of curriculum – this is created to build upon a theme/sport each year so that the children gain a deep understanding and mastery of particular areas (e.g. dance, gymnastics, games, athletics). All year groups experience the same theme which displays the progressive and sequenced element of PE lessons.
Differentiation – each PE lesson is differentiated by task. Physical skills are adapted through support and challenge that is appropriate and challenging for all students. Students scaffold each other and model best practise.
Vocabulary – is built on through the curriculum to ensure specific and technical vocabulary is used, understood and retained. These words are used in a cross-curricular way too and not taught in isolation where possible.
Check for understanding – each lesson will systematically check the children’s understanding and application through assessment. The gaps will then be built on and plans adapted for progressive lessons, ensuring mastery and retention for more pupils.
Links – links to other subjects will be made where and when possible to ensure a deep and masterful understanding in different contexts (through topic learning/science links etc)
Enrichment – An enriched curriculum is important through PE lessons and beyond. The school’s core values and ethos are embedded in children experiencing a rich and varied curriculum. Through competition, visitors to school, meeting inspirational figures and experiencing sport and culture from the local community, alongside embedded daily physical events such as ‘the daily mile’, children will experience this enrichment.
Knowledge – our PE curriculum fosters both a knowledge and physical activity-based approach in conjunction with each other. This is clear to see in sequenced lessons. Knowledge organisers make outcomes clear and succinct for teachers and enable parents to par-take and further develop children’s learning.
Learning sequence – this process can be seen over one lesson or a series of lessons:
Assess/Review, Teach (modelling, checking, questioning, vocabulary), Practice, Apply, Assess/Review
Through our PE curriculum children will:
- be engaged and challenged
- be able to succeed in all science lessons because learning will be appropriately scaffolded
- make good and better progress from their starting points
- know how and why science is used in the outside world and in the workplace
- talk enthusiastically about their science lessons and speak about how they are passionate about science through discussion and feedback
Assessment and monitoring in PE:
• Lesson observations, book monitoring and learning walks
• Gathering pupil voice (Junior Leaders)
• Moderating pupils work to ensure accurate assessments are made
• Tracking pupils’ progress
• Check for Understanding used as a formative assessment tool that informs planning and intervention
• EoUQ (End of Unit Quizzes) will be undertaken every half term