Useful Links for Home Learning
Here is a list of websites that you may find interesting to further develop children's interests and creativity in art!
Tate Kids A great website with things to make and do, games, quizzes, and simple information about art and artists!
Printmaking at home! A lovely resource to use at home of ideas to carry printmaking over into the home with everyday resources you may find around the house!
BBC Key Stage 1 Art Resources Educational resources to support your child with their art education at home!
BBC Key Stage 2 Art Resources Educational resources to support your child with their art education at home!
Oak Academy Key Stage 1 Art Resources In case you want to follow up on topics your child has been learning about in school, here is a link to the Oak Academy and what they have to offer!
Oak Academy Key Stage 2 Art Resources In case you want to follow up on topics your child has been learning about in school, here is a link to the Oak Academy and what they have to offer!
Oak Academy EYFS Art Resources In case you want to follow up on topics your child has been learning about in school, here is a link to the Oak Academy and what they have to offer!
Cbeebies There are a number of art inspired games and resources on the Cbeebies website, click on the link to see more!
Online Art Games A selection of online art games and resources including a link to an online spirograph!